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Lundbeck ile fırsatınızı bulun
Beyin hastalıklarını tedavi etmek için gereken yetenek, cesaret ve tutkuya sahip bireyleri istihdam ediyoruz.
İş fırsatı
Araştırma ve Geliştirme
Our research and development teams are dedicated to creating the most innovative and effective treatments for patients.
Ticari Operasyonlar
Our Commercial Operations team, including Sales, comprises around 3,300 people globally, and we have affiliates in 55 countries.
Kurumsal fonksiyonlar
Our corporate functions provide dedicated support to our business within Finance, IT & Digitalization, Legal,
Compliance & Sustainability, Procurement, and Investor Relations to ensure business value.
Ürün geliştirme ve Tedarik
This is the core of our manufacturing unit. It offers significant opportunities for specialists within chemistry, production, supply chain, engineering, and maintenance.
In Sales, we inform and educate key stakeholders, who are responsible for managing treatment with prescription drugs. Our activities towards healthcare professionals aim to ensure a correct understanding of our products and their use.
Uzun ve gururlu bir hikaye Lundbeck'i bugün olduğu yere taşıdı.
Lundbeck'de Yaşam
5.800 meslektaş, +50 ülke, tek bir amaç için çalışıyor.
Bir bakışta Lundbeck
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