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We are specialists
We are 5,500 colleagues around the world, with over 1,000 in the U.S. We are a community of specialists fiercely dedicated to advancing brain health and transforming lives, drawing on the uniqueness of every employee.
A highly specialized biopharmaceutical company that has conducted neuroscience research for more than 70 years. We develop innovative treatments to advance brain health and transform the lives of millions of people worldwide.
Global leadership in brain health. Whatever your area of specialization, you will be part of our company-wide commitment to develop and advance treatments that improve the lives of people with brain disease.
A culture of innovation, collaboration, and respect. We inspire curiosity, expect integrity, and pursue our achievements through knowledge-sharing, patient engagement, and the passion to deliver our end goal.
We understand we carry a huge responsibility for the societies we serve, and we use our knowledge and voice to raise awareness, challenge standards, and increase opportunities – for patients and each other. We are at the forefront of treatment innovation, and together we continue to make a difference to people living with brain diseases.
Lundbeck offers a robust and comprehensive benefits package to help our employees live well and protect their health, family, and everyday life.
Through My Performance, all Lundbeck employees have a defined Individual Development Plan (IDP). Developed through open discussion, each employee’s IDP links their personal objectives with the skills and competencies they need to work on, so they can deliver on Lundbeck’s wider strategic aims and business growth.
Operating in a complex business environment demands different skills and competencies from our employees. We work to ensure that Lundbeck always has the right people for the right job, and we provide our employees with different opportunities to fulfill their career aspirations.
To support the development of our people, we have a series of established employee development programs. These programs introduce a wide range of tools and perspectives to drive the performance of teams and business areas within Lundbeck. We also focus on personal leadership development and awareness of individual leadership style, strengths, and challenges. Our talent programs accelerate the development of employees who show exceptional talent, aiming to harness, retain and further develop these valuable employees. Our efforts support the high-performance culture that delivers our long-term business objectives.
Our success hinges on our combined competencies – and competence hinges on highly qualified and motivated employees. Our Employee Satisfaction Survey (ESS) gives us the pulse on employee motivation by asking about key elements in our work lives including management, work climate and development opportunities. We follow up on the ESS with concrete initiatives aimed at maintaining our focus on our unique workplace culture and providing personalized and aligned development opportunities for our employees.
More from Lundbeck
Our commitment
We are committed to providing transformative outcomes to people living with brain disease.
Job opportunities
Check openings to start building possibilities with us at Lundbeck.