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This is Lundbeck

Who we are

Today, millions of people all over the world live with brain diseases. Every day, at Lundbeck we strive to further understand these diseases, develop the best therapies to treat them and make a difference to people living with them.

We are one of the only biopharmaceutical companies in the world focusing exclusively on brain diseases, and we’re set apart by our specialization. Our purpose is clear:

We are dedicated to advancing brain health and transforming lives.

Driven by research…

For more than 70 years, we’ve been pushing the boundaries of neuroscience. By combining the logic of science with our passion for making a difference to patients, we’ve pioneered some of the most important and commonly used therapies within antipsychotics and antidepressants.

We work closely with patients, healthcare professionals and the neuroscience community to uncover causes and to find new treatments that can bring back quality of life to people living with brain diseases. 

…raising our voice…

When every other organ in our body gets sick, we find compassion and care. When our brain suffers, the world typically turns away.


As a global specialist, we owe it to those who live with brain diseases to fight stigma and promote better treatment. That’s why we work to improve understanding and parity of care across communities and societies – so we can empower people and rebuild hope.

…giving profit a purpose…

The Lundbeck Foundation is the majority owner of Lundbeck. Foundation ownership allows us to stay focused on our areas of specialization. It also means that we are in a position to give back. With donations of approximately DKK 500 million a year to biomedical research, the foundation supports the progress of health science. 

…and working with one aim.

Today, we’re 5,500 people in +50 countries. We build on our Danish heritage, fostering a culture of collaboration and responsibility. Whether we work in labs or in the field, we all have the same aim: to develop innovative treatments that improve the lives of people living with brain diseases. 

Lundbeck employees: José Luis, Jorge and Hyun Jin.

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