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Providing funding
We are committed to giving back to the community in a responsible and appropriate way to promote disease awareness, improve patient care and health outcomes and help address the societal burden associated with brain disease.
At Lundbeck, we are dedicated to restoring brain health, so every person can be their best. We understand that our corporate social responsibility extends beyond the medicines we make. Providing Grants and Donations is one way of giving back to our communities and helping people living with brain disease to access healthcare information. Lundbeck receives numerous requests each year for funding and unfortunately, we are not able to provide support to all of them. Each funding request is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
All requests for Grants and Donations are reviewed by an internal Committee. Funding of Grant and Donation requests is provided without an expectation of any benefit in return (excluding corporate recognition in connection with a Grant or Donation, such as placement of our logo at an event or honorable mentions or thank you announcements).
Funding requests must align with our therapeutic area(s) of focus of brain disease:
Funding is never provided as an inducement for prescribing, supplying, recommending buying, selling, accessing, reimbursement or favouring Lundbeck’s products. We expect that recipient organizations will be transparent and clearly acknowledge our funding.
Lundbeck accepts applications for Grants and Donations on a continuous basis, however, requests should be submitted a minimum of sixty (60) calendar days in advance of a planned activity, or the request may be declined due to time constraints. If approved, Lundbeck will prepare a written agreement that must be signed by both parties, before the Grant or Donation can be provided.
Please refer to the chart below to ensure that your request meets the criteria for a Grant or Donation.
(including Journal Clubs/Rounds)
Sponsorship of HCP to attend international congresses
Lundbeck will consider requests from eligible recipients for appropriate purposes and give priority to innovative, high-quality projects and activities that:
Donations may be provided to medically related not-for-profit organizations and registered charities involved in conducting activities such as, charitable, community, educational, humanitarian, health and philanthropic endeavours.
Please provide the information requested in the application form and submit your application to Lundbeck.
Grants provide funding to support independent bona-fide scientific, medical or healthcare related activities (undertaken for educational, informational or research purposes), where we do not control, influence or participate in the design or conduct of the activity or acquire a tangible benefit.
Grants may be provided to groups or associations of stakeholders to organize medical research, public policy research, continuing professional education and training, or to support any project that will enhance patient outcomes or relates to patient or community education or community projects that promote better healthcare.
Grants will not be provided to private medical practices, clinics, academic societies, professional associations, hospitals or organizations for routine operational, capital, lease or salary expenses.
Please provide the information requested in the application form and submit your application to Lundbeck.
All support provided to Journal Clubs and Rounds are provided in the form of a Grant. Please review the Grant guidance above prior to submitting a funding request for a Journal Club or Round.
Journal Clubs and Rounds are activities during which Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) exchange information on related scientific and clinical issues. These activities take place in a variety of formats including lectures, debates, panel discussions or simulations to achieve particular learning objectives and are non-promotional in nature.
The recipient organization may use the Grant to pay for expenses including speaker honoraria, meals and refreshments, or travel and accommodation in relation to a Journal Club or Round, however, these expenses may not be paid separately from the funding provided through the Grant.
Lundbeck will only sponsor Journal Clubs and Rounds that take place in an appropriate setting conducive to learning, such as a hospital, a clinic or an academic institution.
Please follow the Grant guidance above for submission details.
Sponsorships of HCPs to international congresses are unsolicited requests from individual HCPs for financial assistance to participate in an international congress/conference on the condition that the attending HCP shares the benefit of the knowledge gained with other Canadian HCPs via a report or presentation upon their return to Canada.
The purpose of these Sponsorships is to support Canadian HCPs knowledge on the latest developments in health research, science, and clinical practice at an international level to improve healthcare for Canadian patients.
Please note that the request must be unsolicited and include the following details:
Lundbeck reserves the right to decline a request for any reason.
Lundbeck funding or in-kind donations must never interfere with the independence of the requesting organization.
All notifications about the status of funding requests will be sent via email.
In the event that a funded activity is cancelled through no fault of Lundbeck, or if the funds provided by Lundbeck are not used for the identified activity, the recipient will notify Lundbeck in writing of such cancellation and the recipient will return all funds not used to Lundbeck within sixty (60) days of the date of cancellation.
If you have any questions, please contact us at