You have chosen to visit another Lundbeck website or a third-party website, which is provided as a service to you. Lundbeck does not control content on third-party websites and cannot make representations concerning the accuracy of information on every website you visit. Lundbeck is not responsible for the privacy policy of any third-party website. We encourage you to read the privacy policy of every website you visit.



Report a side effect

Report a side effect or other safety information

Please note that you should consult your general practitioner or other qualified health care provider if you:


  • Experience a health problem
  • Have questions regarding your personal health
  • You (or the person concerned if you are reporting on someone else’s behalf) are experiencing side effect(s) related to the use of a medicinal product  

If you are participating in a clinical trial, please report the side effect to your study site.


A side effect is an unwanted and unintended effect of a medicinal product experienced by a person. All medicinal products have potential side effects (also known as adverse events), but products may also have unexpected benefits.


At Lundbeck, we continuously monitor the safety and quality of our products to safeguard the people who depend on taking them. Information on side effects, unexpected benefits or other safety information (such as e.g. medication errors, pregnancy or use outside the approved indication) is an important source of information for this process. The information you provide therefore helps us ensure the safety of our products and the patients taking them.

To learn more about how Lundbeck processes your personal data when you report a side effect, visit the menu “Your privacy” below or click here.

To report a side effect or other safety information directly to Lundbeck, please use the link below:

If you prefer to contact a Lundbeck representative in your own country, you can look up the relevant contact information here.

Further information

The following situations constitute examples of safety information which are important to the ongoing safety monitoring of Lundbeck medications:


  • Suspected side effects
  • Pregnancy while taking Lundbeck medication (this also applies for pregnancies without any associated complications and if the father was the person treated with Lundbeck medication)
  • Suspected side effects in nursing children if the mother is treated with Lundbeck medication
  • Overdoses, misuse, or abuse of Lundbeck medication
  • Lack of efficacy
  • Medication errors or intentional deviations from the intended treatment schedule or method

In the side effect reporting form, you will be provided with the opportunity to fill in information on who is reporting the side effect, the patient and type of Lundbeck medication involved, as well as details on the side effect. Information on other medical conditions and/or additional medications taken can also be provided.


Please do not provide personal information such as full name, address or social security/personal identity number when filling out the form. 

Any information shared with Lundbeck will be treated confidentially in line with Lundbeck’s data handling procedures and in accordance with current data protection legislation. Data reported on side effects will be entered into the Lundbeck global safety database and retained for the time frame required by current legislation. Lundbeck is obligated by law to report information on side effects to Health Authorities.


To find out more about how we process personal data and what your rights are please visit Privacy Notification or contact the Lundbeck Data Protection Officer at

Questions about Lundbeck products:

Questions about reporting side effects:

Questions about the reporting form:

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