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Find your Opportunity with Lundbeck

We hire individuals who have the talent, courage and passion that it takes to treat brain diseases.

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Learn more about our job opportunities and how you can contribute in making a difference for people living with brain diseases. 

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We take great care to read and respond to every application that is sent to us.

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Early Career Programs

Our company’s and patients’ success depend on our ability to attract new talent. We work with you to combine your energy and ways of working with our industry expertise.

 Antonio Fernández Amil on working at lundbeck

A Career Full Circle: A Decade at Lundbeck, Pause, then Back at Lundbeck Again

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Our History

A long, proud story has led Lundbeck to where it is today.

Life at Lundbeck

5,500 colleagues, +50 countries, working with one aim.

At a Glance

A quick look into Lundbeck’s key facts and figures.